View: 1099 / CPRS Amount Checking

RotoID: AP0111

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 10

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

VENDORFROM 1 String*12 From Vendor Number E A  Mask: %-12C
VENDORTO 2 String*12 To Vendor Number E A  Mask: %-12C
TAXRPTSW 3 Integer Tax Reporting Type E A  List:3 entries
0 = None
1 = 1099
2 = CPRS
CIDFROM 4 String*6 From Code E A  Mask: %-6N
CIDTO 5 String*6 To Code E A  Mask: %-6N
CNTYEAR 6 String*4 Year E A  Mask: %04D
REPORTABLE 7 Boolean At least one vendor has reportable amount E A 
CMNDCODE 8 Integer Command Code E A  List:2 entries
0 = Calculate Reportable
1 = Generate CSV File
FILENAME 9 String*255 File Name E A 
FORMTYPE 10 Integer Form Name E A  List:2 entries
101 = 1099-MISC
102 = 1099-NEC