Table: 1099 / CPRS Codes

Table: APCLX
View: AP0007
Record Length: 200

Flags: A R 

Keys: 1

Title Flags Fields


Fields: 20

Field Type Title Presentation

CLASSID String*6 Code Mask: %-6N
AUDTORG String*6
CLASSDESC String*60 Description
SWACTV Integer Status List:2 entries
0 = Inactive
1 = Active
DATEINACTV Date Inactive Date
DATELASTMN Date Date Last Maintained
SWWITHH Integer Reserved
WITHHOLDG String*60 Reserved
TAXGROUP String*12 Reserved
TAXSTAT1 Integer Reserved
TAXSTAT2 Integer Reserved
TAXSTAT3 Integer Reserved
TAXSTAT4 Integer Reserved
TAXSTAT5 Integer Reserved
MINAMT BCD*10.3 Minimum Amount to Report
TAXRPTSW Integer Tax Reporting Type List:3 entries
0 =
1 = 1099
2 = CPRS
CATEGORY Integer Amount Type List:28 entries
0 =
3080 = Bond Premium
3090 = Bond Premium on Tax-Exempt Bond
3100 = Bond Premium on Treasury Obligations
1090 = Crop Insurance Proceeds
1070 = Direct Sales for Resale
3020 = Early Withdrawal Penalty
1130 = Excess Golden Parachute Payments
1040 = Federal Income Tax Withheld
1160 = Fish Purchased for Resale
1050 = Fishing Boat Proceeds
1100 = Gross Proceeds Paid to an Attorney
3010 = Interest Income
3030 = Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury Obligations
3040 = Investment Expenses
3070 = Market Discount
1060 = Medical and Health Care Payments
2010 = Nonemployee Compensation
1140 = Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
1030 = Other Income
1010 = Rents
1020 = Royalties
1120 = Section 409A Deferrals
3060 = Specified Private Activity Bond Interest
1170 = State Income
1150 = State Tax Withheld
1080 = Substitute payments in lieu of Interest
3050 = Tax-Exempt Interest