View: Customer Statistics

RotoID: AR0022
Table: ARCSM
Protocol: Flat

Keys: 1

Title Fields

Customer No., Year and Period IDCUSTCNTYRCNTPERD

Fields: 75

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

IDCUST 1 String*12 Customer Number E A K R  Mask: %-12C
CNTYR 2 String*4 Year E A K R  Mask: %04D
CNTPERD 3 String*2 Period E A K R  Mask: %02D
CNTINVC 4 BCD*3.0 Number of Invoices E A 
CNTCR 5 BCD*3.0 Number of Credits E A 
CNTDR 6 BCD*3.0 Number of Debits E A 
CNTPAYM 7 BCD*3.0 Number of Receipts E A 
CNTDISC 8 BCD*3.0 Number of Discounts E A 
CNTADJ 9 BCD*3.0 Number of Adjustments E A 
CNTWROF 10 BCD*3.0 Number of Write-Offs E A 
CNTINTT 11 BCD*3.0 Number of Interest Charges E A 
CNTRIF 12 BCD*3.0 Number of Returned Checks E A 
CNTINVCPD 13 BCD*3.0 Number of Invoices Paid E A 
CNTDTOPAY 14 BCD*3.0 Number of Days to Pay E A 
AMTINVCHC 15 BCD*10.3 Total Invoices in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTCRHC 16 BCD*10.3 Total Credits in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTDRHC 17 BCD*10.3 Total Debits in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTPAYMHC 18 BCD*10.3 Total Receipts in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTDISCHC 19 BCD*10.3 Total Discounts in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTADJHC 20 BCD*10.3 Total Adjustments in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTWROFHC 21 BCD*10.3 Total Write-Offs in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTINTTHC 22 BCD*10.3 Total Interest in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTRIFHC 23 BCD*10.3 Total Ret'd Checks in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTINVPDHC 24 BCD*10.3 Total Invoices Pd. in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTINVCTC 25 BCD*10.3 Total Invoices in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTCRTC 26 BCD*10.3 Total Credits in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTDRTC 27 BCD*10.3 Total Debits in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTPAYMTC 28 BCD*10.3 Total Receipts in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTDISCTC 29 BCD*10.3 Total Discounts in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTADJTC 30 BCD*10.3 Total Adjustments in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTWROFTC 31 BCD*10.3 Total Write-Offs in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTINTTTC 32 BCD*10.3 Total Interest in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTRIFTC 33 BCD*10.3 Total Ret'd Checks in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTINVPDTC 34 BCD*10.3 Total Invoices Pd. in Cust. Curr. E A 
AMTBARVALT 35 BCD*10.3 Revaluation Bal. in Func. Curr. E A 
AVGDAYSPAY 36 BCD*5.1 Average Days to Pay A C 
CNTRF 37 BCD*3.0 Number of Refunds E A 
AMTRFHC 38 BCD*10.3 Total Refunds in Func. Curr. E A 
AMTRFTC 39 BCD*10.3 Total Refunds in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDCNTIN 50 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Invoices E A 
YTDCNTCR 51 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Credits E A 
YTDCNTDR 52 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Debits E A 
YTDCNTPY 53 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Receipts E A 
YTDCNTED 54 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Discounts E A 
YTDCNTAD 55 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Adjustments E A 
YTDCNTWO 56 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Write-Offs E A 
YTDCNTIT 57 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Interest Charges E A 
YTDCNTRIF 58 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Returned Checks E A 
YTDCNTINPD 59 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Invoices Paid E A 
YTDCNTRF 60 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Refunds E A 
YTDCNTDTP 61 BCD*5.0 YTD Number of Days to Pay E A 
YTDHCIN 62 BCD*10.3 YTD Invoices in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCCR 63 BCD*10.3 YTD Credits in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCDR 64 BCD*10.3 YTD Debits in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCPY 65 BCD*10.3 YTD Receipts in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCED 66 BCD*10.3 YTD Discounts in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCAD 67 BCD*10.3 YTD Adjustments in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCWO 68 BCD*10.3 YTD Write-Offs in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCIT 69 BCD*10.3 YTD Interest in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCRIF 70 BCD*10.3 YTD Ret'd Checks in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCINPD 71 BCD*10.3 YTD Invoices Pd. in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDHCRF 72 BCD*10.3 YTD Refunds in Func. Curr. E A 
YTDTCIN 73 BCD*10.3 YTD Invoices in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCCR 74 BCD*10.3 YTD Credits in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCDR 75 BCD*10.3 YTD Debits in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCPY 76 BCD*10.3 YTD Receipts in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCED 77 BCD*10.3 YTD Discounts in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCAD 78 BCD*10.3 YTD Adjustments in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCWO 79 BCD*10.3 YTD Write-Offs in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCIT 80 BCD*10.3 YTD Interest in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCRIF 81 BCD*10.3 YTD Ret'd Checks in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCINPD 82 BCD*10.3 YTD Invoices Pd. in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDTCRF 83 BCD*10.3 YTD Refunds in Cust. Curr. E A 
YTDCNTADTP 84 BCD*6.1 YTD Average Days to Pay E A 
YTDACTIVE 85 Integer Enable YTD Calculations E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes