View: Update Statistics

RotoID: AR0060

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 46

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

ITEMNBR 1 String*16 Item Number E A  Mask: %-16C
IDCUST 2 String*12 Customer Number E A  Mask: %-12C
DATEBDATE 3 Date Transaction Date E A 
SWCODETYPE 4 Integer Transaction Type E A  List:15 entries
1 = Invoice
2 = Debit note
3 = Credit note
4 = Interest
5 = Returned check
7 = Current payment
9 = Adjustment
12 = Prepayment
13 = Earned discount
16 = Exchange Gain/Loss
17 = Rounding
35 = Refund
40 = Memo resolution
80 = Batch writeoff
81 = Batch adjustment
AMTHCUR 5 BCD*10.3 Functional Amount E A 
AMTTCUR 6 BCD*10.3 Source Amount E A 
AMTTAXHCUR 7 BCD*10.3 Functional Tax Amount E A 
AMTTAXTCUR 8 BCD*10.3 Source Tax Amount E A 
AMTCOGSHC 9 BCD*10.3 Func. COGS Amount E A 
CNTPAYDAYS 10 BCD*4.0 Number of Days Between Payments E A 
SWRVSL 11 Integer Reversal E A  List:3 entries
0 = No reversal
1 = Reversal
2 = Do not update
SLSP1 12 String*8 Salesperson 1 E A  Mask: %-8N
SLSPSPLT1 13 BCD*5.5 Sales-Split Percentage 1 E A 
SLSP2 14 String*8 Salesperson 2 E A  Mask: %-8N
SLSPSPLT2 15 BCD*5.5 Sales-Split Percentage 2 E A 
SLSP3 16 String*8 Salesperson 3 E A  Mask: %-8N
SLSPSPLT3 17 BCD*5.5 Sales-Split Percentage 3 E A 
SLSP4 18 String*8 Salesperson 4 E A  Mask: %-8N
SLSPSPLT4 19 BCD*5.5 Sales-Split Percentage 4 E A 
SLSP5 20 String*8 Salesperson 5 E A  Mask: %-8N
SLSPSPLT5 21 BCD*5.5 Sales-Split Percentage 5 E A 
SWINVFULPD 22 Integer Invoice Fully Paid E A  List:3 entries
0 = Not fully paid
1 = Fully paid
2 = Unpaid
QTYITEMS 23 BCD*10.5 Quantity Sold E A 
SWCSMSTATS 24 Integer Update Customer Statistics E A  List:2 entries
0 = Do not process
1 = Process
SWGSMSTATS 25 Integer Update Group Statistics E A  List:2 entries
0 = Do not process
1 = Process
SWITSSTATS 26 Integer Update Item Statistics E A  List:2 entries
0 = Do not process
1 = Process
SWNSMSTATS 27 Integer Update National Acct. Statistics E A  List:2 entries
0 = Do not process
1 = Process
SWSPSSTATS 28 Integer Update Salesperson Statistics E A  List:2 entries
0 = Do not process
1 = Process
DATELSTSAL 29 Date Last Date Sold E A 
IDUNITMEAS 30 String*10 Unit of Measure E A  Mask: %-10C
AMTINVCHC 31 BCD*10.3 Fully Paid Invoice Amount in Fun E A 
AMTINVCTC 32 BCD*10.3 Fully Paid Invoice Amount in Cus E A 
BTCHTYPE 33 String*2 Posting Batch Type E A 
FISCYR 34 String*4 Fiscal Year E A  Mask: %04D
FISCPER 35 String*2 Fiscal Period E A  Mask: %02D
IDNATACCT 36 String*12 National Account Number E A  Mask: %-12C
IDGRP 37 String*6 Group Code E A  Mask: %-6N
CURRPERDCU 38 String*2 Cust. Current Period Based on Session Date E A  Mask: %02D
MAXPERDCU 39 Integer Cust. Maximum Period for Setting E A 
CURRPERDIT 40 String*2 Item Current Period Based on Session Date E A  Mask: %02D
MAXPERDIT 41 Integer Item Maximum Period for Setting E A 
CURRPERDSA 42 String*2 Sales Current Period Based on Session Date E A  Mask: %02D
MAXPERDSA 43 Integer Sales Maximum Period for Setting E A 
CURRYEARCU 44 String*4 Cust. Current Year Based on Session Date E A  Mask: %04D
CURRYEARIT 45 String*4 Item Current Year Based on Session Date E A  Mask: %04D
CURRYEARSA 46 String*4 Sales Current Year Based on Session Date E A  Mask: %04D