View: Update Recurring Chrgs Instrns

RotoID: AR0081
Table: ARURC
Protocol: Flat, Sequenced revisions, Key auto generate

Keys: 1

Title Fields

Instruction Counter CNTNUM

Fields: 15

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

CNTNUM 1 Long Key E A K R 
RCCODE 2 String*16 Recurring Charge Code E A  Mask: %-16C
IDCUSTFR 3 String*12 From Customer Number E A  Mask: %-12C
IDCUSTTO 4 String*12 To Customer Number E A  Mask: %-12C
CHANGEBY 5 Integer Change By Percentage Or Amount? E A  List:2 entries
1 = Percentage
2 = Amount
INCDEC 6 Integer Increase Or Decrease RC Value? E A  List:2 entries
1 = Increase
2 = Decrease
CODECURN 7 String*3 Customer Currency E A  Mask: %-3N
PCTCHANGE 8 BCD*5.5 Percentage To Change By E A 
AMTCHANGE 9 BCD*10.3 Money Amount To Change By E A 
DISTMETHOD 10 Integer Money Distribution Method E A P  List:2 entries
1 = All Details
2 = Specific Distribution Code
IDDISTCODE 11 String*6 Distribution Code E A  Mask: %-6N
PCTMAXCHG 12 BCD*5.5 Percent To Change Max Amount By E A 
AMTMAXCHG 13 BCD*10.3 Amount To Change Max. Amount By E A 
PROCESSED 14 Integer Has Instruction Been Processed? E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
NUMSIARECS 15 Long Number of RC Records Processed E A