View: Age Retainage Documents

RotoID: AR0310

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 30

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

RUNDATE 1 Date Run Date E A 
CUTOFFDATE 2 Date Retainage Due Date Cutoff Date E A 
SWCUTOFFBY 3 Integer Cutoff by E A  List:3 entries
0 = Doc. Date
1 = Posting Date
2 = Year/Period
CUTOFFYEAR 4 String*4 Year E A  Mask: %04D
CUTOFFPERD 5 String*2 Period E A  Mask: %02D
AGETCURSW 6 Integer Func. / Customer Currency E A  List:2 entries
0 = Customer Currency
1 = Functional Currency
PASTDUESW 7 Integer ATB / Overdue Rec. Report E A  List:3 entries
0 = Future Retainage
1 = Aged Retainage
2 = Overdue Retainage
SWDETAIL 8 Integer Detail / Summary Report E A  List:4 entries
0 = Summary
1 = Detail by Document
2 = Detail by Date
3 = Detail by Retainage Due Date
AGEPERIOD1 9 BCD*3.0 Current E A 
AGEPERIOD2 10 BCD*3.0 First Period E A 
AGEPERIOD3 11 BCD*3.0 Second Period E A 
AGEPERIOD4 12 BCD*3.0 Third Period E A 
IDFROM1 13 String*60 Range 1 From E A 
IDTO1 14 String*60 Range 1 To E A 
INDEX1 15 Integer Range 1 Index Value E A 
IDFROM2 16 String*60 Range 2 From E A 
IDTO2 17 String*60 Range 2 To E A 
INDEX2 18 Integer Range 2 Index Value E A 
IDFROM3 19 String*60 Range 3 From E A 
IDTO3 20 String*60 Range 3 To E A 
INDEX3 21 Integer Range 3 Index Value E A 
IDFROM4 22 String*60 Range 4 From E A 
IDTO4 23 String*60 Range 4 To E A 
INDEX4 24 Integer Range 4 Index Value E A 
RTGSEQ 25 Long Sequence Number E A 
FIELDNAME1 26 String*19 Field Name 1 E A 
FIELDNAME2 27 String*19 Field Name 2 E A 
FIELDNAME3 28 String*19 Field Name 3 E A 
FIELDNAME4 29 String*19 Field Name 4 E A 
SWTAX 30 Integer Include Taxes E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes