Title | Fields |
Batch Type/Posting Sequence | TYPEBTCH, POSTSEQNCE |
Field | Index | Type | Title | Attributes | Presentation | ||||||
TYPEBTCH | 1 | String*2 | Batch Type | E A K R | Mask: %-2N | ||||||
POSTSEQNCE | 2 | BCD*5.0 | Posting Sequence No. | E A K R | |||||||
DATEPOSTED | 3 | Date | System Date | E A | |||||||
DATEBUS | 4 | Date | Date Posted in A/R | E A | |||||||
SWPRINTED | 5 | Integer | Printed? | E A |
List:2 entries
SWPOSTGL | 6 | Integer | Posted to G/L? | E A |
List:2 entries
DATEPOSTGL | 7 | Date | Date Posted to G/L | E A | |||||||
SWGLCONSL | 8 | Integer | Consolidated for G/L? | E A | |||||||
PGMVER | 9 | String*3 | Program Version | E A | |||||||