View: History Audit Headers

RotoID: CP0021
Protocol: Header

Compositions: 2

RotoID Tables Title DLL

CP0024 CPHDAU History Audit Details CPHDAU
CP0135 CPHHOA History Audit Header Opt Fields CPHHOA

Keys: 1

Title Fields


Fields: 24

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

EMPLOYEE 1 String*12 Employee E A K R  Mask: %-12N
EDITDATE 2 Date Edit Date E A K R 
EDITTIME 3 Time Edit Time E A K R 
HISTDATE 4 Date History Date E A 
OPERATION 5 Integer Operation E A  List:3 entries
1 = Add
2 = Modify
3 = Delete
CLASS1A 6 String*6 Class 1 - new E A  Mask: %-6N
CLASS2A 7 String*6 Class 2 - new E A  Mask: %-6N
CLASS3A 8 String*6 Class 3 - new E A  Mask: %-6N
CLASS4A 9 String*6 Class 4 - new E A  Mask: %-6N
DESC1 10 String*250 Description - new E A 
NETPAY1 11 BCD*10.3 Net Pay - new E A 
CLASS1B 12 String*6 Class 1 - old E A  Mask: %-6N
CLASS2B 13 String*6 Class 2 - old E A  Mask: %-6N
CLASS3B 14 String*6 Class 3 - old E A  Mask: %-6N
CLASS4B 15 String*6 Class 4 - old E A  Mask: %-6N
DESC2 16 String*250 Description - old E A 
NETPAY2 17 BCD*10.3 Net Pay - old E A 
LASTNAME 18 String*20 Last Name A 
FIRSTNAME 19 String*15 First Name A 
MIDDLENAME 20 String*15 Middle Name A 
WORKPROV1 21 Integer Province of Employment - new E A  List:14 entries
1 = Alberta
2 = British Columbia
3 = Manitoba
4 = New Brunswick
5 = Newfoundland & Labrador
6 = Northwest Territories
7 = Nova Scotia
8 = Ontario
9 = Outside Canada
10 = Prince Edward Island
11 = Quebec
12 = Saskatchewan
13 = Yukon Territory
14 = Nunavut
WORKPROV2 22 Integer Province of Employment - old E A  List:14 entries
1 = Alberta
2 = British Columbia
3 = Manitoba
4 = New Brunswick
5 = Newfoundland & Labrador
6 = Northwest Territories
7 = Nova Scotia
8 = Ontario
9 = Outside Canada
10 = Prince Edward Island
11 = Quebec
12 = Saskatchewan
13 = Yukon Territory
14 = Nunavut
VALUES 23 Long Number of Optional Fields E A C 
ORGUSERID 24 String*8 Original User ID E A