View: Material Returns

RotoID: PM0046
Protocol: Header, Key auto generate

Compositions: 4

RotoID Tables Title DLL

PM0047 PMMATRD Material Returns Detail PMMATRD
PM0485 PMMATRDS Material Return Detail Serial Number PMMATRDS
PM0486 PMMATRDL Material Return Detail Lot Numbers PMMATRDL
PM0536 PMMATRHO Material Return Optional Field PMMATRHO

Keys: 4

Title Fields

Sequence SEQ
Material Return Number MATERIALNO
Transaction Status/Material Numb TRANSTATMATERIALNO

Fields: 41

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

SEQ 1 Long Sequence E A K R 
MATERIALNO 2 String*16 Material Return Number E A  Mask: %-16C
TRANSDATE 3 Date Transaction Date E A X 
FISCALYEAR 4 String*4 Fiscal Year A  Mask: %04D
FISCALPER 5 Integer Fiscal Period A  List:13 entries
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = 10
11 = 11
12 = 12
13 = 13
REFERENCE 6 String*60 Reference E A X 
DESC 7 String*60 Description E A X 
EXTCOSTSR 8 BCD*10.3 Total Cost A 
EXTCOSTHM 9 BCD*10.3 Total Cost A 
OHSR 10 BCD*10.3 Overhead Amount A 
OHHM 11 BCD*10.3 Overhead Amount A 
TOTCOSTSR 12 BCD*10.3 Total Cost A 
TOTCOSTHM 13 BCD*10.3 Total Cost A 
TOTBILLSR 14 BCD*10.3 Total Billable Amount A 
TOTBILLHM 15 BCD*10.3 Total Billable Amount A 
TOTQTY 16 BCD*10.5 Total Quantity A 
COMPLETE 17 Integer Status E A P X  List:4 entries
0 = New
10 = Entered
30 = Approved
40 = Posted
ADDCSTTYPE 18 Integer Additional cost type E A 
ADDCOST 19 BCD*10.3 Additional Cost E A 
NUMDETAILS 20 Integer Number of Detail Lines E A 
PRINTSTAT 21 Boolean Printed E A  List:2 entries
0 = False
1 = True
TRANSTAT 22 Integer Transaction Status E A  List:4 entries
1 = Entered
2 = Imported
3 = Generated
4 = Posted
NEXTDTLNUM 23 Long Next Detail Number E A C 
NUMDTL 24 Long Number of Details E A C 
MATNO 25 String*16 Material Usage Number E A X  Mask: %-16C
ICSTAT 26 Integer E A  List:3 entries
1 = not processed
2 = ready to process
3 = process complete
VALUES 27 Long Optional Fields E A C 
CREATEBY 28 String*8 Created By A C 
CREATEDT 29 Date Created On A C 
CREATETM 30 Time Created At A C 
APPROVEBY 31 String*8 Approved By A C 
APPROVEDT 32 Date Approved On A C 
APPROVETM 33 Time Approved At A C 
POSTEDBY 34 String*8 Posted By A C 
POSTEDDT 35 Date Posted On A C 
POSTEDTM 36 Time Posted At A C 
ICSEQ 37 Long IC Shipment Sequence Number E A 
ENTEREDBY 38 String*8 Entered By E A C 
DATEBUS 39 Date Posting Date E A X 
BMETER 1000 Integer Show progress bar during posting E A C  List:3 entries
0 = No meter
1 = Meter
2 = Meter but no cancel button
FUNCTION 1001 Integer Function E A C  List:2 entries
0 = None
10 = Load Optional Fields