Table: RR Worksheet Detail

Table: PMRWD
View: PM0092
Record Length: 563

Flags: A R 

Keys: 3

Title Flags Fields


Fields: 32

Field Type Title Presentation

SEQ Long Sequence
DLINENUM Long Line Number
AUDTORG String*6
DDETAIL Long Detail Number
CONTRACT String*16 ^1 Mask: %-16C
PROJECT String*16 ^2 Mask: %-16N
CATEGORY String*16 ^3 Mask: %-16N
PROJTYPE Integer ^2 Type List:3 entries
1 = Time and Materials
2 = Fixed Price
3 = Cost Plus
ACCTMETD Integer Accounting Method List:7 entries
1 = Completed Project
2 = Total Cost Percentage Complete
3 = Labor Hours Percentage Complete
4 = Billings and Costs
5 = Project Percentage Complete
6 = Category Percentage Complete
8 = Accrual-Basis
PERCOMP BCD*5.5 Percentage Complete
TCURCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Current Total Cost
TCURREVSR BCD*10.3 Total Cur. Revenue Est.
TCURREVHM BCD*10.3 Total Cur. Revenue Est.
TRECCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Total Cost Recognized
TRECREVSR BCD*10.3 Total Revenue Recognized
TRECREVHM BCD*10.3 Total Revenue Recognized
RATE BCD*8.7 Rate
RATETYPE String*2 Rate Type
RATEDATE Date Rate Date
RATEOP Integer Rate Operator List:2 entries
1 = Multiply
2 = Divide
PROJSTAT Integer ^2 Status List:7 entries
10 = Estimate
20 = Approved
30 = Open
40 = On Hold
70 = Inactive
60 = Completed
50 = Closed
STATUS Integer ^1 Status List:7 entries
10 = Estimate
20 = Approved
30 = Open
40 = On Hold
70 = Inactive
60 = Completed
50 = Closed
CCY String*3 Currency Mask: %-3N
VALUES Long Optional Fields
TACTCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Actual Total Cost
GLDDESC String*60 G/L Detail Reference
GLDREF String*60 G/L Detail Description
GLCOMMENT String*250 G/L Detail Comment
UNREGCOST Boolean Reserved