View: GST F5/F8 Processor

RotoID: TS0250

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 61

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

FROMYEAR 1 String*4 From Year E A  Mask:
FROMPERIOD 2 Integer From Period E A P 
TOYEAR 3 String*4 To Year E A  Mask:
TOPERIOD 4 Integer To Period E A P 
BOX__1 5 BCD*10.3 Box 1 - Value of Standard Rated Supplies A 
BOX__2 6 BCD*10.3 Box 2 - Value of Zero-Rated Supplies A 
BOX__3 7 BCD*10.3 Box 3 - Value of Exempt Supplies A 
BOX__4 8 BCD*10.3 Box 4 - Total of [1][2][3] A 
BOX__5 9 BCD*10.3 Box 5 - Total of Taxable Purchases A 
BOX__6 10 BCD*10.3 Box 6 - Output Tax Due A 
BOX__7 11 BCD*10.3 Box 7 - Input Tax and Refunds Claimed A 
BOX__8 12 BCD*10.3 Box 8 - Net Payable to IRAS A 
BOX__9 13 BCD*10.3 Box 9 - Value of Goods Imported under Special Scheme A 
BOX_10 14 BCD*10.3 Box 10 - GST Refunded to Tourists E A 
BOX_11 15 BCD*10.3 Box 11 - GST Claim for Bad Debt Relief E A 
BOX_12 16 BCD*10.3 Box 12 - GST Pre-registration Claims E A 
BOX_13 17 BCD*10.3 Box 13 - Revenue for the Accounting Period E A 
INPUTTAX 18 BCD*10.3 Input Tax from Transactions A 
OUTPUTTAX 19 BCD*10.3 Output Tax from Transactions A 
RECOVERTAX 20 BCD*10.3 Tax on Recovered Bad Debt E A 
BOX__3PRE 21 BCD*10.3 Box 3 before Exchange Adjustment A 
RLGAINLOSS 22 BCD*10.3 Realized Exchange Gain (Functional) A 
REVCHARGE 23 BCD*10.3 Customer Accounted Tax A 
BOX_14 24 BCD*10.3 Box 14 - Imported services and LVG under reverse charge A 
BOX_15 25 BCD*10.3 Box 15 - Supply of remote services subject to GST A 
BOX_16 26 BCD*10.3 Box 16 - Supply of LVG as a redeliverer subject to GST A 
BOX_17 27 BCD*10.3 Box 17 - Own supply of LVG A 
BOX_18 28 BCD*10.3 Box 18 - Net GST per box 8 above A 
BOX_19 29 BCD*10.3 Box 19 - Deferred import GST payable A 
BOX_20 30 BCD*10.3 Box 20 - Total tax to be paid to IRAS A 
BOX_21 31 BCD*10.3 Box 21 - Total value of goods imported under deferment scheme E A 
FORMTYPE 32 Integer GST Form Type E A  List:2 entries
1 = F5
2 = F8
ACTION 33 Integer Process Action E A  List:4 entries
1 = Generate F5
2 = Create the JSON
3 = Write to Audit
4 = Check for re-submission
JSONFILENA 34 String*260 Full Path JSON File Name E A 
TITLE 35 String*60 Declarant Designation E A 
CONTACT 36 String*60 Contact Person E A 
PHONE 37 String*30 Contact Telephone E A 
EMAIL 38 String*50 Contact Email E A 
CREDENTIAL 39 String*1024 CE Header/Credential E A 
IRASURL 40 String*200 From CE - IRAS Redirect URL E A 
CEJOBNUM 41 String*100 Cloud Enablement Job Number E A 
IRASCONNUM 42 String*20 IRAS Confirmation Number E A 
STATUS 43 Integer Status E A  List:3 entries
0 = None
1 = Sent
2 = Failed
RESUBMIT 44 Boolean Is a re-submission? E A 
DATESUBMIT 45 Date Date Submitted E A 
TIMESUBMIT 46 Time Time Submitted E A 
LASTGSTREG 47 Date F8 Last GST Registration Date E A 
TAXAGENT 48 Boolean Tax Agent Filing? E A 
CUSTACCT 49 String*1024 Encrypted Customer Account E A 
FE4BAD 50 Boolean FE4 error? E A 
FE4ERRMSG 51 String*256 FE4 error message E A 
FE4REASON 52 Integer FE4 reason to skip the error E A  List:3 entries
1 = GST on Bad Debt Recovery
2 = GST collected prior to registration
3 = Others, please specify reasons
FE4ORWHAT 53 String*200 FE4 other reason E A  Mask: %-200n
FE5BAD 54 Boolean FE5 error? E A 
FE5ERRMSG 55 String*256 FE5 error message E A 
FE5REASON 56 Integer FE5 reason to skip the error E A  List:4 entries
1 = Tourist Refund
2 = Bad Debts Relief
3 = Credit Notes
4 = Others, please specify reasons
FE5ORWHAT 57 String*200 FE5 other reason E A  Mask: %-200n
FE6BAD 58 Boolean FE6 error? E A 
FE6ERRMSG 59 String*256 FE6 error message E A 
FE6REASON 60 Integer FE6 reason to skip the error E A  List:2 entries
1 = Credit Notes
2 = Others, please specify reasons
FE6ORWHAT 61 String*200 FE6 other reason E A  Mask: %-200n