View: Credit/Debit Note Lines

RotoID: PO0315
Protocol: Detail, Sequenced revisions, Key auto generate

Compositions: 8

RotoID Tables Title DLL

PO0311 POCRNH1POCRNH2 Credit/Debit Notes POCRNH
PO0309 POCRNC Credit/Debit Note Comments POCRNC
PO0310 Credit/Debit Note Functions POCRNG
PO0312 POCRNI Credit/Debit Note Postings POCRNI
PO0316 POCRNM Credit/Debit Note Posting Lines POCRNM
PO0318 POCRNLO CR/DR Note Line Optional Fields POCRNLO
PO0829 POCRNLL Credit/Debit Note Line Lots POCRNLL
PO0820 POCRNLS Credit/Debit Note Line Serials POCRNLS

Keys: 6

Title Fields

Invoice Line Sequence Key INVLSEQ
Return Line Sequence Key RETLSEQ
Receipt Line Sequence Key RCPLSEQ

Fields: 249

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

CRNHSEQ 1 BCD*10.0 Credit/Debit Note Sequence Key E A K R 
CRNLREV 2 BCD*10.0 Line Number E A K R 
CRNLSEQ 3 BCD*10.0 Credit/Debit Note Line Sequence E A X 
CRNCSEQ 4 BCD*10.0 CR/DR Note Comment Sequence A X 
OEONUMBER 5 String*22 Order Number A X  Mask: %-22C
INDBTABLE 6 Boolean Stored in Database Table A C X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
COMPLETION 7 Integer Completion Status A X  List:3 entries
1 = No
2 = Yes
3 = Yes
DTCOMPLETE 8 Date Date Completed A X 
RCPHSEQ 9 BCD*10.0 Receipt Sequence Key A X 
RCPLSEQ 10 BCD*10.0 Receipt Line Sequence A X 
RETHSEQ 11 BCD*10.0 Return Sequence Key A X 
RETLSEQ 12 BCD*10.0 Return Line Sequence A X 
INVHSEQ 13 BCD*10.0 Invoice Sequence Key A X 
INVLSEQ 14 BCD*10.0 Invoice Line Sequence A X 
ITEMEXISTS 15 Boolean Item Exists A C X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
ITEMNO 16 String*24 Item Number A P X  Mask: %-24C
LOCATION 17 String*6 Location A X  Mask: %-6N
ITEMDESC 18 String*60 Item Description A X 
VENDITEMNO 19 String*24 Vendor Item Number A X 
HASCOMMENT 20 Boolean Comments A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
RETUNIT 21 String*10 Unit of Measure A X  Mask: %-10c
RETCONV 22 BCD*10.6 Returning Conversion Factor A C X 
RETDECML 23 Integer Returning Unit Decimals A C X 
STOCKDECML 24 Integer Stock Unit Decimals A C X 
RQRETURNED 25 BCD*10.4 Quantity A X 
SQRETURNED 26 BCD*10.4 Stocking Quantity Returned A C X 
UNITWEIGHT 27 BCD*10.4 Unit Weight A X 
EXTWEIGHT 28 BCD*10.4 Extended Weight A X 
UNITCOST 29 BCD*10.6 Unit Cost A X 
EXTENDED 30 BCD*10.3 Extended Cost A X 
TAXBASE1 31 BCD*10.3 Tax Base 1 A X 
TAXBASE2 32 BCD*10.3 Tax Base 2 A X 
TAXBASE3 33 BCD*10.3 Tax Base 3 A X 
TAXBASE4 34 BCD*10.3 Tax Base 4 A X 
TAXBASE5 35 BCD*10.3 Tax Base 5 A X 
TAXCLASS1 36 Integer Tax Class 1 A X 
TAXCLASS2 37 Integer Tax Class 2 A X 
TAXCLASS3 38 Integer Tax Class 3 A X 
TAXCLASS4 39 Integer Tax Class 4 A X 
TAXCLASS5 40 Integer Tax Class 5 A X 
TAXRATE1 41 BCD*8.5 Tax Rate 1 A X 
TAXRATE2 42 BCD*8.5 Tax Rate 2 A X 
TAXRATE3 43 BCD*8.5 Tax Rate 3 A X 
TAXRATE4 44 BCD*8.5 Tax Rate 4 A X 
TAXRATE5 45 BCD*8.5 Tax Rate 5 A X 
TAXINCLUD1 46 Boolean Tax Includable 1 A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
TAXINCLUD2 47 Boolean Tax Includable 2 A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
TAXINCLUD3 48 Boolean Tax Includable 3 A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
TAXINCLUD4 49 Boolean Tax Includable 4 A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
TAXINCLUD5 50 Boolean Tax Includable 5 A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
TAXAMOUNT1 51 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount 1 A X 
TAXAMOUNT2 52 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount 2 A X 
TAXAMOUNT3 53 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount 3 A X 
TAXAMOUNT4 54 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount 4 A X 
TAXAMOUNT5 55 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount 5 A X 
TXALLOAMT1 56 BCD*10.3 Tax Allocated Amount 1 A X 
TXALLOAMT2 57 BCD*10.3 Tax Allocated Amount 2 A X 
TXALLOAMT3 58 BCD*10.3 Tax Allocated Amount 3 A X 
TXALLOAMT4 59 BCD*10.3 Tax Allocated Amount 4 A X 
TXALLOAMT5 60 BCD*10.3 Tax Allocated Amount 5 A X 
TXRECVAMT1 61 BCD*10.3 Tax Recoverable Amount 1 A X 
TXRECVAMT2 62 BCD*10.3 Tax Recoverable Amount 2 A X 
TXRECVAMT3 63 BCD*10.3 Tax Recoverable Amount 3 A X 
TXRECVAMT4 64 BCD*10.3 Tax Recoverable Amount 4 A X 
TXRECVAMT5 65 BCD*10.3 Tax Recoverable Amount 5 A X 
TXEXPSAMT1 66 BCD*10.3 Tax Expense Amount 1 A X 
TXEXPSAMT2 67 BCD*10.3 Tax Expense Amount 2 A X 
TXEXPSAMT3 68 BCD*10.3 Tax Expense Amount 3 A X 
TXEXPSAMT4 69 BCD*10.3 Tax Expense Amount 4 A X 
TXEXPSAMT5 70 BCD*10.3 Tax Expense Amount 5 A X 
TXBASEALLO 71 BCD*10.3 Net of Tax A X 
TXINCLUDED 72 BCD*10.3 Tax Included A C X 
TXEXCLUDED 73 BCD*10.3 Tax Excluded A C X 
TAXAMOUNT 74 BCD*10.3 Total Tax A C X 
TXRECVAMT 75 BCD*10.3 Recoverable Tax A X 
TXEXPSAMT 76 BCD*10.3 Expensed Tax A X 
TXALLOAMT 77 BCD*10.3 Allocated Tax A X 
TFBASEALLO 78 BCD*10.3 Func. Net of Tax A C X 
TFINCLUDE1 79 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Included Amount 1 A C X 
TFINCLUDE2 80 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Included Amount 2 A C X 
TFINCLUDE3 81 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Included Amount 3 A C X 
TFINCLUDE4 82 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Included Amount 4 A C X 
TFINCLUDE5 83 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Included Amount 5 A C X 
TFALLOAMT1 84 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Allocated Amount 1 A C X 
TFALLOAMT2 85 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Allocated Amount 2 A C X 
TFALLOAMT3 86 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Allocated Amount 3 A C X 
TFALLOAMT4 87 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Allocated Amount 4 A C X 
TFALLOAMT5 88 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Allocated Amount 5 A C X 
TFRECVAMT1 89 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Recoverable Amount 1 A C X 
TFRECVAMT2 90 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Recoverable Amount 2 A C X 
TFRECVAMT3 91 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Recoverable Amount 3 A C X 
TFRECVAMT4 92 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Recoverable Amount 4 A C X 
TFRECVAMT5 93 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Recoverable Amount 5 A C X 
TFEXPSAMT1 94 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Expense Amount 1 A C X 
TFEXPSAMT2 95 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Expense Amount 2 A C X 
TFEXPSAMT3 96 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Expense Amount 3 A C X 
TFEXPSAMT4 97 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Expense Amount 4 A C X 
TFEXPSAMT5 98 BCD*10.3 Func. Tax Expense Amount 5 A C X 
FCEXTENDED 99 BCD*10.3 Func. Extended Amount A C X 
GLACEXPENS 100 String*45 Expense Account A X  Mask: %-45C
MPRORATED 101 BCD*10.3 Manual Proration A X 
STOCKITEM 102 Boolean Stock Item A C X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
RCPNUMBER 103 String*22 Receipt Number A X  Mask: %-22C
PORHSEQ 104 BCD*10.0 Purchase Order Sequence Key A X 
PORLSEQ 105 BCD*10.0 Purchase Order Line Sequence A X 
PONUMBER 106 String*22 Purchase Order Number A X  Mask: %-22C
GLNONSTKCR 107 String*45 Non-Stock Clearing Account A X  Mask: %-45C
MANITEMNO 108 String*24 Manufacturer's Item Number A X  Mask: %-24C
DISCPCT 109 BCD*5.5 Discount Percentage A X 
DISCOUNT 110 BCD*10.3 Discount Amount A X 
DISCOUNTF 111 BCD*10.3 Func. Discount Amount A X 
VALUES 112 Long Optional Fields A C X 
FIRST 121 Integer (first) A X 
TAXCLASS1D 122 String*60 Tax Class 1 Description A C X 
TAXCLASS2D 123 String*60 Tax Class 2 Description A C X 
TAXCLASS3D 124 String*60 Tax Class 3 Description A C X 
TAXCLASS4D 125 String*60 Tax Class 4 Description A C X 
TAXCLASS5D 126 String*60 Tax Class 5 Description A C X 
GLACEXPNSD 127 String*60 Expense Account Description A C X 
TXINCLUDE1 128 BCD*10.3 Included Tax Amount 1 A X 
TXINCLUDE2 129 BCD*10.3 Included Tax Amount 2 A X 
TXINCLUDE3 130 BCD*10.3 Included Tax Amount 3 A X 
TXINCLUDE4 131 BCD*10.3 Included Tax Amount 4 A X 
TXINCLUDE5 132 BCD*10.3 Included Tax Amount 5 A X 
TXEXCLUDE1 133 BCD*10.3 Excluded Tax Amount 1 A X 
TXEXCLUDE2 134 BCD*10.3 Excluded Tax Amount 2 A X 
TXEXCLUDE3 135 BCD*10.3 Excluded Tax Amount 3 A X 
TXEXCLUDE4 136 BCD*10.3 Excluded Tax Amount 4 A X 
TXEXCLUDE5 137 BCD*10.3 Excluded Tax Amount 5 A X 
ISCOMPLETE 138 Boolean Completed A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
EXTRANEOUS 139 Long Extraneous Line Count A X 
TAXLINE 140 Long Lines Tax Calculation Sees A X 
LINECMPL 141 Long Lines Complete A X 
LINE 142 Long Line A X 
EXSTDCOST 143 BCD*10.3 Extended Std. Cost in Src Curr A C X 
EXMRCOST 144 BCD*10.3 Extended MR Cost in Src Curr A C X 
EXALT1COST 145 BCD*10.3 Extended Cost 1 in Src Curr A C X 
EXALT2COST 146 BCD*10.3 Extended Cost 2 in Src Curr A C X 
GLNONSTKCD 147 String*60 Non-Stock Clearing Account Desc. A C X 
MAPMANITEM 148 Boolean Map Manufacturer's Item Number E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
NETXTENDED 149 BCD*10.3 Net Extended Cost A X 
INVLREV 150 BCD*10.0 Line Number A C X 
RETLREV 151 BCD*10.0 Line Number A C X 
PROCESSCMD 152 Integer Command A C X  List:18 entries
0 = Nothing to Process
1 = Insert Optional Fields
2 = Default and Tranfer Optional Fields
3 = Default Opt. Fields During Record Generation
4 = Remove Optional Fields
5 = Transfer Opt. Fields from Standing Document
6 = Insert Item Serial Optional Fields
7 = Insert Item Lot Optional Fields
21 = Auto-generate Serials
22 = Auto-generate Lots
23 = Auto-allocate Serials
24 = Auto-allocate Lots
25 = Clear Serials
26 = Clear Lots
27 = Auto-assign Serials
28 = Auto-assign Lots
29 = Create Serials/Lots List
31 = Post Serials/Lots to IC Inventory
CONTRACT 153 String*16 Contract A X  Mask: %-16C
PROJECT 154 String*16 Project A X  Mask: %-16N
CCATEGORY 155 String*16 (Cost) Category A X  Mask: %-16N
COSTCLASS 156 Integer Cost Class A C X  List:7 entries
0 =
1 = Labor
2 = Material
3 = Equipment
4 = Subcontractor
5 = Overhead
6 = Miscellaneous
BILLTYPE 157 Integer Billing Type A P X  List:4 entries
0 =
1 = Non-billable
2 = Billable
3 = No Charge
BILLRATE 158 BCD*10.6 Billing Rate A X 
BILLCURR 159 String*3 Billing Currency A C X  Mask: %-3N
ARITEMNO 160 String*16 A/R Item Number A X  Mask: %-16C
ARUNIT 161 String*10 A/R Unit of Measure A X  Mask: %-10C
RTGPERCENT 162 BCD*5.5 Retainage Percentage A X 
RTGDAYS 163 Integer Retention Period A X 
RTGAMOUNT 164 BCD*10.3 Retainage Amount A X 
RTGDATEDUE 165 Date Retainage Due Date A X 
RTGAMTOVER 166 Boolean Retainage Amount Overridden A C X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
RTGDDTOVER 167 Boolean Retainage Due Date Overridden A C X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
CONTSTYLE 168 Integer Project Style A C X  List:3 entries
0 =
1 = Standard
2 = Basic
PROJTYPE 169 Integer Project Type A C X  List:4 entries
0 =
1 = Time and Materials
2 = Fixed Price
3 = Cost Plus
REVREC 170 Integer Accounting Method A C X  List:9 entries
0 =
1 = Completed Project
2 = Total Cost Percentage Complete
3 = Labor Hours Percentage Complete
4 = Billings and Costs
5 = Project Percentage Complete
6 = Category Percentage Complete
7 = Completed Contract
8 = Accrual-Basis
UFMTCONTNO 171 String*16 Unformatted Contract Code A C X  Mask: %-16C
TARAMOUNT1 172 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Amount 1 A X 
TARAMOUNT2 173 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Amount 2 A X 
TARAMOUNT3 174 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Amount 3 A X 
TARAMOUNT4 175 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Amount 4 A X 
TARAMOUNT5 176 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Amount 5 A X 
TRALLOAMT1 177 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Allocated Amount 1 A X 
TRALLOAMT2 178 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Allocated Amount 2 A X 
TRALLOAMT3 179 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Allocated Amount 3 A X 
TRALLOAMT4 180 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Allocated Amount 4 A X 
TRALLOAMT5 181 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Allocated Amount 5 A X 
TRRECVAMT1 182 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Recoverable Amt. 1 A X 
TRRECVAMT2 183 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Recoverable Amt. 2 A X 
TRRECVAMT3 184 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Recoverable Amt. 3 A X 
TRRECVAMT4 185 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Recoverable Amt. 4 A X 
TRRECVAMT5 186 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Recoverable Amt. 5 A X 
TREXPSAMT1 187 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Expense Amount 1 A X 
TREXPSAMT2 188 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Expense Amount 2 A X 
TREXPSAMT3 189 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Expense Amount 3 A X 
TREXPSAMT4 190 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Expense Amount 4 A X 
TREXPSAMT5 191 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Expense Amount 5 A X 
TRINCLUDE1 192 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Included Amount 1 A X 
TRINCLUDE2 193 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Included Amount 2 A X 
TRINCLUDE3 194 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Included Amount 3 A X 
TRINCLUDE4 195 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Included Amount 4 A X 
TRINCLUDE5 196 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Included Amount 5 A X 
TREXCLUDE1 197 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Excluded Amount 1 A X 
TREXCLUDE2 198 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Excluded Amount 2 A X 
TREXCLUDE3 199 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Excluded Amount 3 A X 
TREXCLUDE4 200 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Excluded Amount 4 A X 
TREXCLUDE5 201 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Excluded Amount 5 A X 
TARAMOUNT 202 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Total Amount A X 
TRINCLUDED 203 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Included Amount A X 
TREXCLUDED 204 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Excluded Amount A X 
TRRECVAMT 205 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Recoverable Amount A X 
TREXPSAMT 206 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Expensed Amount A X 
TRALLOAMT 207 BCD*10.3 Tax Reporting Allocated Amount A X 
RAXBASE1 208 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Base 1 A X 
RAXBASE2 209 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Base 2 A X 
RAXBASE3 210 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Base 3 A X 
RAXBASE4 211 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Base 4 A X 
RAXBASE5 212 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Base 5 A X 
RAXAMOUNT1 213 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Amount 1 A X 
RAXAMOUNT2 214 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Amount 2 A X 
RAXAMOUNT3 215 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Amount 3 A X 
RAXAMOUNT4 216 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Amount 4 A X 
RAXAMOUNT5 217 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Amount 5 A X 
RXRECVAMT1 218 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Recoverable Amt. 1 A X 
RXRECVAMT2 219 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Recoverable Amt. 2 A X 
RXRECVAMT3 220 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Recoverable Amt. 3 A X 
RXRECVAMT4 221 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Recoverable Amt. 4 A X 
RXRECVAMT5 222 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Recoverable Amt. 5 A X 
RXEXPSAMT1 223 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Expense Amount 1 A X 
RXEXPSAMT2 224 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Expense Amount 2 A X 
RXEXPSAMT3 225 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Expense Amount 3 A X 
RXEXPSAMT4 226 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Expense Amount 4 A X 
RXEXPSAMT5 227 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Expense Amount 5 A X 
RXALLOAMT1 228 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Allocated Amount 1 A X 
RXALLOAMT2 229 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Allocated Amount 2 A X 
RXALLOAMT3 230 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Allocated Amount 3 A X 
RXALLOAMT4 231 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Allocated Amount 4 A X 
RXALLOAMT5 232 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Allocated Amount 5 A X 
RAXAMOUNT 233 BCD*10.3 Retainage Tax Total Amount A X 
TXRXAMT1 234 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount Plus Rtg. Tax Amt. 1 A X 
TXRXAMT2 235 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount Plus Rtg. Tax Amt. 2 A X 
TXRXAMT3 236 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount Plus Rtg. Tax Amt. 3 A X 
TXRXAMT4 237 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount Plus Rtg. Tax Amt. 4 A X 
TXRXAMT5 238 BCD*10.3 Tax Amount Plus Rtg. Tax Amt. 5 A X 
UCISMANUAL 239 Boolean Unit Cost is Manual A X  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
WEIGHTUNIT 240 String*10 Weight Unit of Measure A X 
WEIGHTCONV 241 BCD*10.6 Weight Conversion A C X 
DEFUWEIGHT 242 BCD*10.4 Default Unit Weight A C X 
DEFEXTWGHT 243 BCD*10.4 Default Extended Weight A C X 
BILLRATECV 244 BCD*10.6 Billing Rate Conversion Factor A C X 
UNITBILLSR 245 BCD*10.6 Unit Billing Amount A C X 
EXTBILLSR 246 BCD*10.3 Extended Billing Amount A X 
XGENALCQTY 247 BCD*10.4 Serial/Lot Quantity to Process A C X 
XLOTMAKQTY 248 BCD*10.4 Number of Lots to Generate A C X 
XPERLOTQTY 249 BCD*10.4 Quantity per Lot A C X 
SALLOCFROM 250 String*40 Allocate from Serial A C X 
LALLOCFROM 251 String*40 Allocate from Lot A C X 
METERHWND 252 Long Serial/Lot Window Handle A C X 
SERIALQTY 253 Long Serial Quantity A C X 
LOTQTY 254 BCD*10.4 Lot Quantity A C X 
SLITEM 255 Integer Item Serialized/Lotted? A C P X  List:4 entries
0 = None
1 = Serialized
2 = Lotted
3 = Both
DETAILNUM 256 Integer Detail Number A C X 
BILLCURDEC 257 Integer Billing Cur. No. Of Decimals A X